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Frequently Asked Questions

You Asked, We Answered

Is there a cost?

No, and you do NOT need tickets. Thanks to the PTA and generous donations, this event is free for all to attend and celebrate your child.

What should my child wear?

Dressy or dressy-casual is fine.

Will I get a good seat?

Yes! Thanks to the size of the Plano West Auditorium, seating is ample. Doors will not open prior to 6:15 to allow for student rehearsal to complete.

Should my child eat beforehand?

Probably a good idea to have your child eat something prior to rehearsal. We will have cupcakes at the reception. You may send a non-messy snack if you desire.

Will there be a reception or after-party?

Yes! Immediately following the ceremony, students, friends, and family are invited to enjoy a treat and photo ops together!

Can I take photos/videos during the ceremony?

Of course! However, we ask that you do NOT leave your seat to get photos, as everyone wants to have an equal chance to see their student cross the stage. WE WILL HAVE A PHOTOGRAPHER on site and a QR code or link will be shared via this website shortly after graduation.

How can I get the photographer's pics?

Through the code that will be made available here, individual photos of each student will be available for complimentary download. Additional photos will be available for purchase.

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